Saturday, October 12, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "The Unsaid": Belletrist Magazine

Now accepting submissions for Belletrist 7:

Sometimes the whole world feels made out of words. We hear them shouted across crowded rooms and whispered sweetly in the night. We pore over them on perfect-bound pages and peck them into glowing screens. And yet so often the true story gets told by the one thing left out. By the pregnant pause, full of knowing. Or the long email, erased and rewritten and rewritten again, but never sent. An ambiguous smile. Bad reception. Some confessions get caught in our throat.

Belletrist 7 is seeking these stories of the unsaid. We want fictions, poems, essays, and miscellany that make room for silence. Send us work that orbits the unwritten. We will quietly contain them in a compact hardcover edition.

PROSE: submit short fiction and nonfiction between 1000 and 6000 words. For Flash, submit up to three stories under 1000 words in one file.

POETRY: submit up to five poems in one file.

MISCELLANY: to be published anonymously, send us unsent emails, text messages, eavesdroppings, confessions, secrets, apologies, found objects like lost notes, crumpled up post-its, shredded docs, dedications inside used paperbacks, unnoticed notes in the corner of a textbook, or any old fragmented example of the unspoken, the unwritten, the unheard. Send as many as you like in one file. Author may chose for bio to appear in contributor’s notes.

GRAPHIC NARRATIVES, COMICS, IDEA DRAWINGS: submit works up to 30 pages to be printed in black-and-white.

Submit your work here.

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