Saturday, May 28, 2022

Call for Submissions: The Four Faced Liar

Submissions are now open until June 15th! The Four Faced Liar can't wait to receive your creations, whoever you are and wherever you’re based, whatever your experience. We are looking for work that is engaging, lyrical, humorous, and inspiring. We’d love to see work from people typically under-represented in literary journals.

Previously unpublished work only. 

We accept fiction and creative non-fiction (up to 4000 words); flash fiction (up to 1000 words); poetry (up to 3 pages); visual art (1 piece). Please send as one .doc or .docx attachment using the form provided. 

Send us your work in translation in any category, with permission from the relevant publisher. Please include the original language text alongside. 

Work should be in a readable font; single spaced for poetry and double spaced for fiction. Start each poem on a new page using line breaks. 

We can only accept one submission per person, so please send us what you think is your best work. 

Strong language or content is fine by us, but we have no time for writing that we view as exploitative, abusive, or discriminatory. Please include content warnings where relevant. 

 Please don't include your name on the document as all submissions will be read blind. 

We’re all writers and we all submit simultaneously, so please feel free to do the same. Just let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere. 

We believe writers and artists should get paid for the work they produce and we are delighted to offer payment of €200 for a short story or CNF piece, €100 for a poem or piece of flash, and €100 for visual art, as well as a copy of the magazine for each contributor.

Upon publication all rights revert to the author. Some work published in the magazine may appear on the website at a later date. You should receive a response within six weeks of the end of the submission window and we strive - where possible - to offer constructive feedback and encouragement.

Submit here.

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