Sunday, December 2, 2018

Call for Submissions: South Broadway Ghost Society

South Broadway Ghost Society is not a horror site. We are open to all works. South Broadway Ghost Society is a literary journal that publishes ghosts and non-ghosts. We like to feature work that is sacred and profane, work that challenges perception, work that exists in grey spaces. "Ghosts" are an important part of our identity as a journal.

We believe in creating resonance in conversations that deserve to be had. We believe in the identity of spirit, lifting up that which is sacred. The magician card in tarot comes to mind. How does your work act as a gateway between a higher force and the material world? We also believe in that which is buried. Stories and art that dig up things that may otherwise go unseen. The skeletons hidden beneath the ground. Finally, we believe in poltergeists; in being menacing, playful, and having fun.

If you would like to remain anonymous, a ghost # will be assigned to you to correspond to your work.

If you would like credit, you deserve credit. We are open to all art.

Things we like: poetry, flash fiction, essays, comics, photography, drawings, doodles, video, experimental work.

LGBTQIA+ and POC artists are highly encouraged to submit.

Please submit no more than five works at a time to:

submissionsATsoboghosoDOTorg (Change AT to @ and DOT to . )

.docs are nice, but not necessary.


brice maiurro said...

Thanks for the shout out, Jeanne


Jeanne Lyet Gassman said...

You're welcome!