Thursday, March 28, 2013

Short Fiction Competition: Stone Thread Publishing

StoneThreadPublishing Short Fiction Contest III

For this contest we’re seeking hard-nosed short stories. By hard-nosed, we mean we want the rough stuff: detective, mystery, thriller, psychological suspense, police procedural, etc. If it moves the reader to the edge of his chair or makes him shrink back in fear, send it. If it’s so absurd it makes us laugh,albeit nervously, send it. Can it have elements of romance or fantasy or science fiction? Sure. Anything from the hard-working gumshoe working homicide in Detroit or Chicago or New York to an interdimensional being tracking a bailjumper through time to your best female sleuth, you know, sleuthing and stuff. Please no gratuitous anything unless the use is obviously intentional, as in hyperbole. With that in mind, send us your best effort.

Contest Rules
·        There is no reading fee or entry fee for this contest.
·        Entry deadline, 30 April 2013
(may be extended if we do not receive enough entries).
·        Previously unpublished short fiction only.
·        1,000 to 10,000 words.
·        Email submission as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf attachment to:

 contestATstonethreadpublishingDOTcom (Change AT to @ and DOT to .)

·        Enter as many stories as you like, one story per email.
·        Name and email address must appear in upper left corner of the first page of the story.
·        Absolutely no present-tense narrative. (Of course, dialogue will be in present tense, as will the unspoken thoughts of characters.)


We will announce the winners by email to all entrants approximately one month after the contest closes. We will also post a list of winners on our website at

We will endeavor to correct any inadvertent errors in a submission (e.g., emailaddress missing from the manuscript) but entries that are under or over the word-count limits will not be considered for a cash


All winning entries and all honorable mentions will be included in an anthology to be published as an ebook by StoneThread Publishing.

First Place:                        $60plus one copy of the anthology in each eformat

Second Place:                    $50 plus one copy of the anthology in each eformat

Third Place:                       $40 plus one copy of the anthology in each eformat

Fourth Place:                     $30 plus one copy of theanthology in each eformat

Fifth Place:                        $20plus one copy of the anthology in each eformat

HonorableMentions:        Publication and one copy of the anthology in each eformat

These are the complete guidelines.

One-Stop Resource for Writers:
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